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following nature's

paths to


lavender & sage extracts


"Let names of all disorders be,

Like to the limbs, joined to the tree,

Work on the root, and that subdue

And all the limbs will bow to you.

The limbs are colic, pleurisy,

Worms and gravel, gout and stone.

Remove the cause and they are gone."


~Samuel Thomson, Herbalist 1822

At Wisdom Keeper's Holistic Services, I offer education, assessment and counseling in herbs, nutrition and other holistics with personalized, comprehensive consultations.

I am also an independent Nature's Sunshine distributor and sell other natural products as well.

I believe that only when we find and remove the root (cause) of a problem can we nourish and heal the branches (symptoms).

When we learn to take care of ourselves, body, mind and spirit, and maintain a healthy lifestyle we can truly thrive.

By using nature's wisdom that can be accomplished;

Nature and all of Life are the Wisdom Keepers, the wisdom is all around us, it is inside us, I am only one of the many voices bringing their gifts to you!


I am also an Independent Nature's Sunshine Distributor  & Mountain Rose Herbs Affiliate and can help you select the supplements you need or sign you up for discounted prices!


If you would like a Personalized Consultation and Assessment please go to the Online Services page.


If you're interested in buying Herbal or Nutritional Supplements, click here.


For questions about my services, supplements or a consultation feel

free to contact me.



~T.M., Herbalist, CNHC, Wellness & Nutrition Coach

Ask about my discounts for Tribal Members!


Everything you need

for a healthy lifestyle

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"None of the contents of  this site may be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted nor uploaded in any way without my written consent and approval. My images and writings are NOT for the public domain to use. All my materials are protected under the International Copyright Laws.

All rights reserved. Mahella (T.M)~ ©2014"


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