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The Aura and Vital Energy:

A Brief Introduction


by: Mahella (T.M.), CNHC, Herbalist, Massage & Energy Therapist
June, 2012


The aura is the energy field (also known as the energy body) which extends from all living things, and which is constantly interacting with the surrounding energies in our environment. Many people consciously perceive this energy field, rather by sight or touch/feeling. Others perceive it unconsciously (for example, when you feel anger or tension emanating from someone, or you have a vague sense of their personality, or feel a sense of peace and comfort around them).

For those who can see the aura, the visual state of this energy field provides important information on the health and well-being of the body. The aura can be multi-colored or may have one or two colors which are predominate. These colors relate to the health of the chakras and meridians throughout the body and therefore the physical body, mind and spirit with which they are associated. Auras which are clear and which have bright colors indicate a healthy energetic system.  Dark, “muddy” auras, or areas of the aura that are blotchy, can indicate emotional, psychological, or physical issues which are stuck within the energy field.

With a little bit of practice, everyone can learn to consciously see the aura with their naked eye. Some individuals are able to naturally see the aura without any practice or training. These individuals have naturally expanded sensory perception beyond the five physical senses and are often clairvoyant (able to see things others cannot), clairaudient (able to hear things others cannot), and clairsentient (able to feel things others cannot). When we learn to physically see the aura, we then begin the process of expanding our sensory perception and awareness of other dimensions of consciousness. The subtle information which the brain normally filters out will then become fully accessible to us and we will be able to use this knowlege to help ourselves and others in new ways.

The “glow” of the aura can also be photographed using a special type of photography called Kirilan photography. If we focus on a specific thought forms or color, these thought forms will be energetically displayed as color swirls and patterns in a Kirlian photograph, as will a haze of whichever color was focused on. Kirlian photography shows us that we can interact with the human energy field and regulate it simply by using our intent. Our thoughts are energy, and energy has a direct impact on our bodies and our surroundings.

It is not necessary to see the energy field in order to interact with or heal it. Sight is just one way in which we can perceive it, it can also be felt and because interaction with the aura happens whether we realize it or not, it's up to us to learn how to bring health and balance back to it, through our own actions and by consulting a skilled person or trained practitioner in the field.

Vital Energy

We know that throughout the body of all living things, vital energy flows. Every living thing is made up of "energy", held together with it, and interconnected by it; every fiber and strand, is at it's core, energy. In various cultures this energy is known by different names.  In the Traditional Chinese Medicine system of China, it is known as “chi,” by the Japanese it is known as “qi,” and in Ayurvedic Medicine, it is know as “prana.”  When we are exposed to various emotional states, stressful situations, and an unhealthy environment, the nature of vital energy is for it to continually readjust and correct any emotional imbalances to retain a state of health and vitality. When psychological, emotional, or physical trauma is experienced, the vital energy of the body is sometimes not able to self-correct and energetic imbalances occur.

The Energy Meridians
Similar to the way that blood flows throughout the circulation system of the body and is regulated by the heart, vital energy is distributed throughout the body via energy channels called energy meridians. These energy meridians are regulated by 7 chakras located in the center of the body, running from the top of the head to the base of the spine. The balanced flow of vital energy throughout the energy meridian system is critical to our emotional, psychological, and physical health.

Each meridian is related to an organ and system of the body, the main 12 of which are:

1. Lung

2. Heart

3. Pericardum (heart protector)

4. Liver

5. Kidney

6. Spleen

7. Small Intestine

8. Triple Heater

9. Large Intestine
10. Urinary Bladder

11. Stomach

12. Gall Bladder

The 7 Chakras

The seven main channels of energy along the middle of the body are called Chakras and regulate the meridians and in turn, the organs and glands associated with them. The 7 main Chakras are:

1. Root (base of spine)

2. Sacral (lower abdomen/sacrum)

3. Solar Plexus (upper abdomen)

4. Heart (heart/chest)

5. Throat (throat/neck)

6. Third Eye (Brow)

7. Crown (top of head)

If an energy meridian or chakra is blocked or congested, the organs and systems related to it will be affected. In turn, if we receive a physical or emotional injury, that can harm the energy field.

Throughout these energy meridians there are approximately 2,000 "acupoints" in the body. These points are at locations where the energy of each meridian rises the closest to the surface of the body. Acupoints can be stimulated using a variety of methods including acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, meditation, healing stones, color therapy, various massage techniques involving pressure and energy medicine. Stimulating an acupoint can release energy blockages and rebalance sluggish or overactive energy flow within that meridian, thereby helping to heal and balance the body.

Health and healing is literally in our own hands and in every part of our body, mind and spirit!



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